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How to make Aeropress Coffee


Third-wave coffee culture — roughly defined as beginning in the early 2000s as a reaction to the bold and often overly flavored coffee-based drinks of the 90s and its second wave coffee trends — celebrates the complexities of coffee's natural flavors. This has led to innovative brewing methods, like the AeroPress.

It is ideal for:

  • Works well with both light and dark roasts
  • Medium-Fine Grind, like silica beach sand )
  • Fast brewing
  • Very portable

For your convenience and to simplify things for you, I have developed an automated Aeropress Coffee timer-calculator. Use it. It will help you with ratios, the timing and will guide you step-by-step to your perfect cup.

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step-by-step brew guide

You'll need


(~3 spoons)


Brewed coffee


Aeropress calculator

step 1 of 7

Measure and grind

Grind the cofee and Warm 220 ml. of water to 90 °C

Aeropress calculator

step 2 of 7

Prepare the AeroPress

Choose whether to use the AeroPress according to its original design or the inverted method (more on that later!), then dampen the filter

Aeropress calculator

step 3 of 7

Add Coffee

Add 17 g. ground coffee (medium grind) into clean dry aeropress

Aeropress calculator

step 4 of 7

Pour hot water

Add hot water to the aeropress

Aeropress calculator

step 5 of 7

Place plunger and wait

Coffee should swell and increase in volume 01:00

Aeropress calculator

step 6 of 7

Stir and plunge

Much like you would with a French press, give the immersed grounds a stir after they’ve brewed for your preferred amount of time. Then, take the plunge!

Aeropress calculator

Step 7 of 7

Clean and enjoy

Your coffee is ready

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Sasha Pavlovich

03/28/2023 · 8 min reading


5 min · 1 cup · easy

For brewing
17 g (1 AeroPress spoon), medium-fine ground
hot water
Hot Water
205°F, 220 g (1 cup), just off boil

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What is the AeroPress?

In 2005, inventor and engineer Alan Adler debuted his simple but impressive new coffee maker design: the AeroPress. A brewing device somewhere between the beloved pour-over funnel and the fancier French press, the AeroPress combines key features and techniques from both methods and simplifies everything into an easy but definitively upgraded experience.

Two nestling cylinders separated by one cloth or cotton filter allow you to pour hot water over coffee grounds, let it steep, then push the brewed coffee through the filter and into a cup.. It works a bit like a syringe in practice, which puts a whole new twist on the meaning of coffee extraction — this is coffee injection, right in your mug!


Step-by-Step AeroPress Coffee

For all the science that informs the AeroPress brewer, it’s a fairly easy process from start to finish. However, AeroPress championships, which are popular worldwide among fans of this brewing device, hinge on details that would seem inconsequential to the casual brewer. I’ll show you more about that in the tips and tricks just below this step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Measure and grind

Perfect extraction depends on the right ratio of fresh water to ground coffee. Enthusiasts experiment with the precise number, but the general rule of thumb suggests an AeroPress coffee ratio of about 2 tablespoons per 6 ounces of water.

AeroPress brewing. Step 1: Measure and grind.

Step 2: Prepare the AeroPress

Choose whether to use the AeroPress according to its original design or the inverted method (more on that later!), then dampen the filter.

AeroPress brewing. Step 2: Prepare the AeroPress.

Step 3: Add coffee grounds

If you plan for a 2-3 minute brew time, use coffee grounds that have a medium or medium-fine grind. If you prefer the 1-minute brew time, use fine-ground coffee.

AeroPress brewing. Step 3: Add coffee grounds.

Step 4: Add hot water

deal water temperature is another contested factor in the upper echelons of AeroPress champions and enthusiasts. The average consensus is somewhere around 205 degrees Fahrenheit (96 degrees Celsius) in conventional coffee-drinking circles, but the AeroPress website suggests using water heated to 175 degrees Fahrenheit (80 degrees Celsius) for dark roasted coffee and 185 degrees Fahrenheit (85 degrees Celsius) for lighter roasted coffees.

AeroPress brewing. Step 4: Add hot water.

Step 5: Place plunger and wait

Putting the plunger in place while the immersion process works its magic isn’t exactly necessary, but it is considered part of best practices since it prevents heat from escaping as quickly as it would if it were uncovered.

AeroPress brewing. Step 5: Place plunger and wait.

Step 6: Stir and plunge

Much like you would with a French press, give the immersed grounds a stir after they’ve brewed for your preferred amount of time. Then, take the plunge!

AeroPress brewing. Step 6: Stir and plunge.

Step 7: Clean and enjoy

Every foodie knows clean as you go — chief complaints of brewers like the French press and AeroPress typically revolve around their lack of an easily disposable filter that captures all the grits of spent coffee grinds. Tidy it up as soon as you’re done and then relax with your fresh cup of expertly engineered coffee.

AeroPress brewing. Step 7: Clean and enjoy.

Tips and Tricks for How to Use AeroPress Coffee Maker

Now that you know all the basics of AeroPress brewing, I’ll let you in on how to make AeroPress coffee like a pro.

Tweak the Ratio

The average AeroPress grams of coffee to water ratio can vary a lot from the industry average for drip-brew coffee in general. That’s because the scientific legacy of the AeroPress encourages innovation, so brewers experiment with fractional changes in the ratio in pursuit of the perfect brew. Don’t be afraid to color outside the lines when it comes to how many grams per ounces you’re rocking with that AeroPress.

Grind Fresh Always

When Alan Adler was developing how to make AeroPress coffee for himself, his main goal was to simplify every step. That means preground coffee meant for the average automatic drip-brew machine works fine for the AeroPress coffee ratio portion. However, any coffee lover will tell you that freshly ground coffee is always better no matter what brew method you use.

Filtered, Fortified Water

Championship baristas swear by using filtered and fortified water as part of their AeroPress setup. Personally, I definitely agree that using fresh and filtered water is better than anything straight out of the tap, but they take it to the next level by adding select food-grade minerals back into the water.

Use a Scale

Elite AeroPress experts also encourage the use of a scale during the brew process. This helps you measure the ratio of coffee to water down to the most precise milligram, if you have a scale that sensitive. A digital scale is better than a dial one in this case, but if it only does grams instead of milligrams, that’s fine.


The Inverted Method

Following in the inventor’s innovative spirit, AeroPress enthusiasts frequently invert the device for immersion rather than using it in its upright and original position. It’s become such a popular alteration to the first concept that it’s almost considered just as, if not more, popular.

However, it’s fair to point out that what’s going on between the original method and the inverted one really isn’t much different at its core. The basic point of inverting the device is to prevent drip-through during long immersion times. AeroPress users who prefer a 1-minute brew may not find much advantage to the inverted method, but those who brew for 3-4 minutes might prefer it.

Key points to remember with the inverted method is that you are going to flip everything over when it comes time to press, but this should never be done without first placing the mouth of a cup over the AeroPress filter. Enthusiasts of the inverted method also recommend slowly and carefully depressing the inverted device down until all the excess air is gone before flipping it over for extraction, too.


A Champion’s AeroPress Coffee Recipe

Follow these AeroPress coffee instructions from 2019’s World AeroPress Championship winner, Wendelien van Bunnik to taste the cup that took home the trophy:

  1. Start with 30 grams of coffee with a medium-fine grind
  2. Heat 200 grams of Spa Blauw (or your choice of mineral water) to 197 degrees Fahrenheit (92 degrees Celsius)
  3. Pour 100 grams of water over coffee for 10 seconds
  4. Put rinsed filter cap on top, release excess air carefully by pushing down slowly
  5. Once the coffee has been immersed for 40 seconds, flip and press
  6. Add the rest of the heated water to preferred taste, stirring until cool enough for comfortable sipping

Frequently Asked Questions

Learning how to AeroPress coffee brings up a lot of interesting questions, so I’m going to make sure you know everything you need to know to brew confidently when you’re experimenting with your own AeroPress coffee recipe.

How much caffeine in AeroPress coffee?

The average amount of caffeine in an 8-ounce cup of drip-brewed coffee is around 96 milligrams. Since the AeroPress grams of coffee ratio follows the same ratio of water to coffee as a conventional drip-brew machine, you can expect it to contain a similar amount of caffeine.

How do I clean the AeroPress seal?

Good news! The seal can be removed and cleaned easily with a bit of soap and water. Avoid using anything abrasive, like cleansers with gritty exfoliating pieces inside of them or scrub brushes and pads that can cause nicks and cuts in the seal’s surface.

Is AeroPress better than a French Press?

These brewing methods are very similar in both theory and practice. One major difference is the use of a filter with the AeroPress. This captures more of the volatile oils extracted during the brew process. Since this is where the essential flavor of coffee comes from, a cup that has more volatile oils will have a bolder, more pronounced flavor profile. That sounds great, but not everyone prefers the way that tastes or feels on the tongue. A point that works in the French press pot’s favor is that it can come in larger sizes, which is a significant advantage considering how much coffee AeroPress brewers make.

What is the Best AeroPress Coffee Grind Size?

With how much coffee AeroPress brews at one time, some enthusiasts insist that a fine grind and a 1-minute immersion time is all you need for great coffee. Others stick to the original medium to medium-fine grind that the original AeroPress coffee instructions call for when it comes to the perfect AeroPress coffee grind size.

What makes AeroPress coffee so Good?

A few factors work in the AeroPress brewer’s favor. First, it uses immersion brewing, which ensures that every surface of each coffee ground is exposed to hot water equally. Second, it passes that brewed coffee through a paper filter, which means fewer volatile oils make it into the cup. This leaves a smooth, rich flavor that still retains its boldness without slipping into a bitter or pungent aftertaste.

Mastering how to use AeroPress coffee maker brewing methods will not only mean you can have a steady supply of amazing cups of coffee, it also gives you a fun window into the world of seriously scientific coffee aficionados. If you really want practice all the right AeroPress moves, be sure to spread the joy and share our guide. There’s nothing more on-trend with this modern brewing method than teaching someone else how to AeroPress Coffee!

Video: AeroPress Coffee Tips

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