Coffee Beans

Best CBD Coffee Brands Top Picks and Reviews

Chances are you’ve heard of CBD oil. Maybe you know someone who uses it for stress, anxiety, or chronic pain. 

It may seem an odd choice to pair with coffee, but they actually work quite well together. If you’ve ever gotten irritable or jittery from drinking too much coffee, you know what I’m talking about. 

CBD coffee products may not only help prevent the side effects of too much coffee but may also have their own health-promoting qualities.

Best CBD Coffee Brands: Top 7 Picks and Reviews

CBD infused coffee is still a niche product. 

CBD is classified as a dietary supplement. Because of that, there aren’t a lot of regulations around purity and dosing. That’s why we wanted to offer you some reviews of what we feel are the best CBD coffee brands. 

You can use many brewing methods, including CBD cold brew.

1 Green Roads CBD Coffee

Key Features

  • Roast: Medium
  • Flavor profile: Nuts, caramel, and chocolate
  • Format: Ground
  • CBD level: Varies (usually between 6 and 10mg per serving)
  • Type of CBD: Broad spectrum
  • Independent lab-verified potency: Yes
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Green Roads offers a wide range of CBD products, including gummies, topicals, and oils as well as chocolate and coffee. This CBD coffee pairs single-estate Colombian coffee and American-grown hemp.

The nutty hemp taste blends well with the caramel and chocolate flavor notes of the coffee. The coffee is artisan roasted in small batches.

Green Roads CBD coffee uses broad-spectrum hemp extract. That means you get cannabinol and other beneficial cannabinoids. Each batch is independently lab tested, and this chemical profile is printed on the bag.

In addition to potency, the batch is tested for pesticides, heavy metals, microbials, mycotoxins, and residual solvents. You can buy this coffee in 2.5-ounce or 12-ounce bags. If you want more flavor and sweetness, it's available in French vanilla and hazelnut.

2 Strava CBD Coffee

Key Features

  • Roast: Medium and dark
  • Flavor profile: Milk chocolate and black cherry (medium roast), toasted marshmallow and cocoa nibs (dark roast)
  • Format: Whole bean, ground, K-Cup, and Nespresso pods
  • CBD level: 4, 10, or 20mg per serving
  • Type of CBD: Broad spectrum
  • Independent lab-verified potency: Yes
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Strava Craft Company is based in Denver, Colorado. In addition to helping, you feel good, Strava wants its coffee to taste good. The beans are roasted in small batches and routinely undergo cupping to maintain high standards.

This coffee uses 100% specialty-grade Arabica beans from Colombia. The beans are infused with organic hemp extract. The hemp is grown in the U.S.

You can get Strava CBD coffee in a variety of strengths. The company recommends starting with the 4mg coffee and working up from there. This coffee is available as a medium or a dark roast. For a truly relaxing experience, it also comes in decaf.

Strava CBD coffee is tested in an independent lab for potency and for heavy metals, pesticides, and mycotoxins. They ensure that each batch has a consistent level of cannabinoids.

3 Buddha Beans Coffee Co Three Coffee Flight

Key Features

  • Roast: Medium or Dark
  • Flavor profile: Varies by origin
  • Format: Whole bean, ground, K-cup
  • CBD level: Varies
  • Type of CBD: Broad spectrum
  • Independent lab-verified potency: Yes
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If you're looking for variety in your morning CBD brew, you might want to check out Buddha Beans Coffee. The company started as a coffee roaster and later added CBD infusions. This means that they insist on the best tasting coffee as well as high-quality hemp.

Buddha Beans offers single-origin-infused coffees from a variety of locations, including Ethiopia, Burundi, and Mexico. It also offers a decaf version and a Colombian CBG coffee.

It uses only high-quality, fairly traded coffee beans and roasts in micro-batches. Roasting and infusion are all done in-house with a proprietary infusion process. The hemp CBD is sourced from an organic farm in Southern Oregon.

We suggest starting with their sample pack. It includes organic coffee from Mexico, Colombia, and Ethiopia. The Mexican coffee has flavor notes of dark chocolate, hazelnut, and citrus. The Colombian has notes of white chocolate, caramel, and hazelnut. The Ethiopian has notes of caramel, green tea, jasmine, and lemon.

4 Subduction Hemp Coffee

Key Features

  • Roast: Varies by origin
  • Flavor profile: Varies by origin
  • Format: Espresso, drip, or French press grind and K-cups
  • CBD level: 10 or 20mg per serving
  • Type of CBD: Broad spectrum
  • Independent lab-verified potency: Yes
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Subduction Coffee + Hemp is all about paying attention to details. The coffee buyers detail the region and altitude where the coffee was grown as well as specific methods to process the cherries. The coffee is then roasted in small batches. This means you will have the finest-crafted coffee in your cup.

Coffee from Subduction is always Certified Organic and Fair Trade Certified. It's also always made to order. That means you can dial in the single-origin or blend coffee, CBD strength, and grind level to create a coffee just for you. The roast level depends on the origin. The expert roasters chose the roast profile to bring the best flavor from the bean.

The hemp is also organic. Subduction uses a proprietary process for hemp extract. The company believes that this helps deliver a better final product. Currently, Subduction offers seven single-origin coffees and two blends.

These range from a light-roasted, fruity Ethiopian (Sidamo or Yirgacheffe) to an earthy medium roast Sumatran to a nutty, dark-roasted Brazilian.

5 Strava CBD Coffee Special Edition Decaf

Key Features

  • Roast: Dark
  • Flavor profile: Brown sugar and mandarin orange
  • Format: Whole bean, ground, and decaf
  • CBD level: 20mg per serving
  • Type of CBD: Broad spectrum
  • Independent lab-verified potency: Yes
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This is the second entry we're featuring from this Denver-based company. If you want to go into the super-chill mode, check out this Special Edition Decaf CBD coffee.

Not only is it decaf, but it has twice the CBD as their regular coffee. Strava coffee is tested for potency and for heavy metals, pesticides, and mycotoxins.

This dark roast coffee features 100% specialty-grade Arabica beans from Colombia. As always, the beans are roasted in small batches. The organic hemp is grown in America.

These beans produce a full-bodied, smooth brew that is naturally decaffeinated. You can get the Special Edition decaf as bagged coffee or in K-cups.

6 Kickback’s O.G. Cali Daze

Key Features

  • Roast: Dark
  • Flavor profile: Brown sugar, nuts, and cocoa
  • Format: Ground
  • CBD level: 7mg (feels like 35) per serving
  • Type of CBD: Broad spectrum
  • Independent lab-verified potency: Yes
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Kickback is an LA-based company that has been offering CBD infused beverages since 2016. In addition to coffee, you can get Kickback CBD lemonade and tea.

O.G. Cali Daze consists of single-origin, shade-grown Arabica beans from Oaxaca, Mexico. The beans are micro-roasted in small batches. The organic CBD is water-soluble, odorless, and tasteless.

The company uses a nano broad-spectrum CBD that is more readily absorbed. This makes the effects five times stronger than with regular CBD.

This brew has a rich, syrupy body. The flavor notes include brown sugar, nuts, and cocoa. The fragrance has notes of citrus and spice.

Kickback also offers Cali Rise coffee. Cali Rise beans are sourced from Chiapas, Mexico. Their flavor notes include cedar and butter with nutty undertones.

7 Pinnacle Hemp’s Full Spectrum CBD Ground Coffee

Key Features

  • Roast: Medium
  • Flavor profile: Caramel and nuts
  • Format: Ground
  • CBD level: 10mg per serving
  • Type of CBD: Broad spectrum
  • Independent lab-verified potency: Yes
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This is the only full-spectrum CBD product on our list. Full-spectrum products do contain THC, which is a psychoactive component.

By law, it must have less than 0.3% THC based on the dry weight. You should use caution when using full-spectrum products.

Pinnacle Hemp was spawned by a father looking for natural ways to help his daughter. Not finding a quality CBD oil, his efforts resulted in the creation of Pinnacle hemp oil.

Pinnacle's CBD coffee uses medium roast Colombian arabica beans. These are infused with U.S.-grown Industrial hemp oil extract.

CBD Coffee Pods: 3 Best CBD infused Coffee Pods

Does the idea of CBD infused coffee sound great but you don’t have time to brew it? Here we’ve rounded up the best CBD coffee brands that offer CBD coffee for single-serve coffee machines.

1 Strava CBD Coffee K Cups

Key Features

  • Roast: Medium, Dark
  • Flavor profile: Milk chocolate and black cherry (medium roast), toasted marshmallow and cocoa nibs (dark roast)
  • Format: 4-, 12-, and 48-pack K-cup
  • CBD level: 4, 10, or 20mg per serving
  • Type of CBD: Broad spectrum
  • Independent lab-verified potency: Yes
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While Strava's CBD coffee was our close second choice for bagged coffee, it is the clear winner in the K-cup competition. Strava uses 100% specialty-grade Arabica beans for a full-bodied brew.

The coffee is roasted in small batches for maximum flavor. The beans are infused with American-grown organic hemp.

You can get these K-cups as a medium or dark roast. It's also available in decaf. These K-cups are available with 4, 10, or 20mg of CBD per serving. You'll also find Strava CBD coffee bagged and in Nespresso capsules.

Strava coffees are always tested for potency and for heavy metals, pesticides, and mycotoxins.

2 Osmell Coffee Hemp Coffee Pods

Key Features

  • Roast: Dark
  • Flavor profile: Chocolate and red fruits
  • Format: 12 K-cups
  • CBD level: None
  • Independent lab-verified potency: No
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This entry is a little different than the others on our list. Osmell Hemp Coffee focuses on hemp seed oil. While hemp seed oil does not contain CBD, it does potentially offer other health benefits.

Hemp seed oil is high in polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, and gamma-linolenic acid as well as omega-3 and omega-6. These fatty acids can help lower blood pressure, promote heart health, and reduce pain and inflammation.

The Osmell company was founded to bring rich Colombian coffee to its customers. After the founders learned more about the benefits of hemp, they wanted to add it to their line of products.

This coffee combines 100% Colombian arabica coffee beans with 100% pure hemp seed oil. The brew is bold yet smooth. The hemp seed oil adds a nutty aftertaste.

3 Diamond CBD Chill CBD Assorted Coffee & Tea

Key Features

  • Roast: Medium
  • Flavor profile: unknown
  • Format: K-cup
  • CBD level: 25mg per K-cup
  • Type of CBD: CBD Isolate
  • Independent lab-verified potency: Yes
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Diamond CBD has a huge line of hemp and CBD products, including oils, edibles, smokables, and body products. Their focus is on the quality and quantity of CBD.

We included this offering because of its large dose of CBD. It's one of the few brands that offer CBD isolate. When you look at the per-ounce cost of CBD, this is definitely one of the more affordable options.

Unfortunately, this company does not seem to focus much on the quality of the coffee. There is no information about the coffee origin, roasting process, or flavor profile.

This variety pack has one K-cup each of Chill CBD black tea, Chill CBD green tea, Chill CBD coffee, and Chill CBD decaf coffee.

What is CBD Coffee?

CBD coffee is regular coffee beans infused with cannabinoids from hemp. You grind and brew CBD coffee just as you would regular coffee, including as CBD cold brew. It’s a convenient way to get the benefits of coffee and of CBD with one product.

Many people use coffee to wake up and CBD to calm down. So, it may seem strange to pair these two products. However, they seem to work together in a way where the sum is greater than the parts. This synergistic relationship may create an alert yet calm state of mind.

If you already use CBD oil, you might be tempted to just add some to your coffee. We don’t recommend this. Oil and water don’t mix. Also, adding CBD oil can give coffee an unpleasant taste and texture. 

With CBD infused coffee, the extract is infused into the coffee bean to make it water-soluble. In most cases, the technology used to infuse CBD into coffee beans does not leave any unpleasant taste.

How Much CBD Coffee Should I Drink?

The truth is, this will vary by individual. Your tolerance to both caffeine and CBD will play a part. With either substance, you may have unpleasant side effects if you have too much. If you’re new to CBD, you might start with just a cup or two of a lower dosage CBD coffee.

Currently, there are no standard guidelines for CBD dosage. As far as caffeine intake, the FDA considers up to 400mg of caffeine per day to be safe, which is between three and five cups per day.

Who Should Be Buying CBD Coffee?

If you’re already a coffee drinker who also uses CBD oil, then it makes perfect sense to combine the two. Even if you’re not already using CBD, you might want to consider it. Many people claim that it helps calm the jittery edge too much coffee gives.

But CBD coffee isn’t for everyone. If your budget is tight, you might want to skip CBD coffee and get regular coffee and separate CBD oil, tincture, or capsule. These other forms will cost significantly less per milligram of CBD.

If you love experimenting with exotic coffees from all over the world, you may be disappointed with the variety of CBD coffee origins. The coffee for CBD coffee products is primarily from Colombia and other Latin American countries. Buddha Beans and Subduction are two exceptions. They both offer Ethiopian and other single-origin CBD coffees.

CBD Coffee Pros and Cons

  • Enjoy effects of coffee without the jitters
  • May make coffee gentler on the stomach
  • Convenient
  • No funky CBD taste
  • CBD dosage may not be consistent
  • More expensive than buying coffee and CBD separately
  • CBD may take effect more quickly in other forms

CBD Infused Coffee Benefits and Downsides

There’s a lot of hype out there about CBD. Here we’ll try to separate fact from fiction.

Possible Benefits of CBD

Currently, the only FDA-approved CBD medication is Epidiolex, which is used to reduce seizures. While more study is needed, early findings suggest that CBD may be helpful for a number of other conditions.

Many people use CBD to treat anxiety and depression. Studies and clinical trials are underway to prove the anecdotal evidence. Other possible uses for CBD include helping insomnia, and chronic pain. Of particular interest is the potential anti-inflammatory effect of CBD. It may even prove useful to treat addiction.

Benefits When Paired With Coffee

A primary reason we drink coffee is to wake up. So, why pair it with a product that might make you sleepy? CBD may actually improve mental clarity. It has to do with how both caffeine and CBD affect adenosine and its receptors.

CBD could also help alleviate unwanted side effects of caffeine. We all know that clenched-jaw, hair-pin trigger irritability that can come with a little too much coffee. CBD might help by relaxing the muscles and the entire nervous system. It also might reduce the body’s stress response.

CBD Coffee Side Effects

Both CBD and coffee have some side effects. There are currently no long-term studies as to potential long-term side effects of using CBD. For some, short-term side effects of CBD may include nausea, dry mouth, fatigue, low blood pressure, and irritability. 

It may also interact and possibly increase the effects of some medications, especially blood thinners. As with any supplements, be sure to consult with your doctor before using CBD. Possible side effects of caffeine include insomnia, irritability, nervousness, and muscle spasms.

The biggest risk with CBD is the lack of standards and control. It is classified as a dietary supplement. That means it is not regulated by the FDA for safety and purity. Be sure to purchase any supplements from a reputable company. Almost all of the companies in our CBD reviews employ independent labs to verify potency.

How to Choose the Best CBD Coffee

With more and more companies offering CBD infused coffee, how do you choose? Here are some things to think about when looking at purchasing CBD coffee.

Source of CBD

CBD stands for cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is the main active component of the cannabis plant, but there are many others. Both hemp and marijuana are cannabis, they are not the same. The difference? Marijuana contains THC, the psychoactive component that makes you high. Hemp does not.

The U.S. Farm Bill of 2018 defined hemp as having less than 0.3% THC. With this bill, hemp and hemp products, including CBD, were made legal. In this article, we are strictly talking about CBD derived from hemp.

Hemp is widely grown in the U.S. and Canada. Its fiber can be used for things like fabric and rope. As a result, the quality of the hemp and growing practices vary. It’s important that the CBD for your coffee comes from high-quality hemp. Your safest bet is to go with a company that uses USDA Organic Certified hemp. That way, you’ll know it’s free of pesticides and other harmful substances.

Source of Coffee Beans

If you’re here, then you know that the source of the coffee bean is critical to the flavor of your brew. As more and more startups are getting on the CBD bandwagon, don’t forget about the essential element: does the coffee taste good?

Look for a company that cares just as much about the origin and roast of the coffee as it does the quality and amount of CBD. Look for brands that use 100% arabica beans. 

Many CBD coffee brands use beans primarily from Latin American countries. But if you look, you will find CBD infused coffee sources from places like Ethiopia and Sumatra.

You also want to make sure you’re getting freshly roasted coffee. Your best option is to buy from a company that lists the roasting date. In general, companies that roast in small or micro batches deliver the freshest coffee. 

We also recommend buying whole bean coffee that you grind right before brewing. Unfortunately, most CBD coffee is only available as ground coffee.

Another factor to consider is if the coffee is sustainably sourced. Certifications such as Organic and Fair Trade are good indicators. Some of the best CBD coffee brands also test to ensure their product is free from pesticides, mycotoxins, and other harmful substances.

Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, or CBD Isolate

Cannabis has more than 60 active cannabinoid compounds. Each compound has a different effect on the body, and many act synergistically. The most commonly known ones are THC and CBD. 

Full-spectrum CBD can contain a dozen or more of these compounds, including THC. But the amount of THC is fairly small. It must be less than 0.3%.

Broad-spectrum CBD does not contain any THC, but it still gets the synergistic effect of the various other cannabinoid compounds Many broad-spectrum CBD coffees also contain CBG. 

This active compound may be helpful in treating conditions such as migraines and easing muscle soreness. CBD isolate contains only cannabidiol.

CBD Potency

Most brands offer coffee that has between 5 and 25mg of CBD per serving. Some CBD coffee brands precisely control how much CBD is in an ounce of coffee. For other brands, the potency will change by batch. 

For coffee that has fluctuating potency, the best CBD coffee brands will print the potency of that particular batch on the bag.

One thing to keep in mind is that heat can affect potency. If you usually use 5mg CBD in a tincture or edible, you may need a higher dose when it comes to coffee. On the other hand, some extraction and infusion methods, such as nano CBD, increase the bioavailability of the active compounds. 

Be sure to read the packaging carefully. This is why many choose CBD cold brew.

Coffee Preference

At the risk of stating the obvious, if you hate dark roast coffee don’t buy dark roast CBD coffee. Your preference for roast level and flavor profile for CBD coffee is the same as with regular coffee. Many CBD coffee brands only offer one choice of origin and roast. 

You’ll want to choose a CBD coffee brand that offers the roast and profile that you like.

3rd Party Lab Tested

Almost all of the CBD coffee brands in our reviews use independent labs for testing the potency of their product. This is because CBD is not FDA regulated. 

Companies can claim certain potencies, but unless it’s verified, there’s no way to know for certain. Look for a company that routinely checks the potency of its product.

Cost and Value

The cost of CBD coffee varies radically. The main reason for that is the amount of CBD per ounce of coffee. That super-cheap bag of CBD coffee may seem like a great deal. But how much CBD are you actually getting in your cup? If the dosage is too small, it won’t have any effect and you’re throwing money away.

Check how much CBD you’re getting in the bag and calculate the cost of CBD per ounce of coffee. That expensive bag may seem too much, but when you break it down by cost per gram of CBD, it may be a bargain.

Our Top Recommendations…

Our top pick for CBD coffee is Green Roads CBD Coffee. This brand is careful about the source of CBD as well as the source of coffee beans. We felt that the overall flavor of Green Roads beat the competition.

We also like that Green Roads tests for pesticides, heavy metals, microbials, mycotoxins, and residual solvents along with CBD potency. 

Another plus is the variety of CBD coffee. Green Roads’ flavored coffee adds a pleasant touch without being overpowering. While the amount of CBD will vary by batch, the amount of cannabinoids is clearly marked on each bag.

Strava CBD coffee is a very close second. Strava also tests their product to ensure it’s free of pesticides, heavy metals, microbials, mycotoxins, and residual solvents. And it’s available in decaf. 

A great thing about Strava’s bagged coffee is that it is available in different potencies. We also like that you can buy it as whole bean, which doesn’t seem to be the norm for CBD coffee.

If you’re looking strictly for organic coffee, Buddha Beans offers a number of organic, single-origin CBD coffees. If want to be able to customize your coffee, Subduction lets you choose the origin, CBD strength, and grind size. 

Subduction offers CBD coffees from a number of origins and also has a couple of signature blends.

As CBD is growing in popularity, its benefits are becoming more widely accepted. It seems that science may soon give credence to the volumes of anecdotal evidence. As coffee lovers, we hope you try this growing trend with whole bean or ground coffee. May this unique beverage fuel all of your endeavors!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is CBD coffee healthy?

    Yes. We already know the potential health benefits of drinking coffee such as energy, reduced risk of chronic conditions like diabetes and Parkinson’s, and heart health. We also know that many people use CBD to help with anxiety, chronic pain, and seizures. When you pair the two, you may end up with an alert yet relaxed mind that can help you be even more productive. Further, the FDA has found that CBD is safe to use.

  2. What is CBD coffee made of?

    CBD coffee is simply regular coffee beans infused with CBD. The CBD is derived from hemp, a cousin of marijuana but without the THC.

  3. How does CBD coffee make you feel?

    CBD affects everyone differently. But many feel that drinking CBD coffee makes them alert yet calm and focused. Because CBD can create drowsiness, you’ll want to use caution when first trying it. Too much CBD in your coffee, and you may just want to sleep.

  4. Where do you buy CBD Coffee?

    While CBD coffee is growing in popularity, it’s probably not available at your local coffee shop. Reputable online retailers are probably your best bet. That’s why we have included links to all of the CBD coffees reviewed here. Just click, and you can have your CBD coffee delivered straight to your door. Many brands offer a discount if you use their Subscribe and Save option.

  5. How strong is CBD Coffee?

    The amount of CBD in each cup of coffee varies widely. Most CBD infused coffee gives between 5 and 25mg of CBD per serving. Be sure to read the package carefully. There is no set recommendation for how much CBD to use per day.

  6. What is CBD coffee used for?

    Many people drink CBD coffee because they get the benefits of the caffeine without the jitteriness or nervousness that can come with too much caffeine. Others may choose to drink it to help with chronic pain or other conditions. While studies are ongoing, currently the only FDA-approved use of CBD is for seizures.

  7. How do you put CBD in coffee?

    Of course, you could put CBD oil directly in your coffee. While this gives you control of the amount you’re taking, we don’t recommend it. Oil and water don’t mix. With CBD coffee, the extract is infused into the coffee bean to make the CBD water-soluble.

  8. Where does the CBD coffee company source the coffee?

    This varies greatly. Some CBD coffee brands seem to use any cheap beans they can find. But the best CBD coffee brands are highly selective about the coffee they use. Look for a brand that lists the origin of the beans and that roasts the beans in small batches.

Sasha Pavlovich

Hi, I'm Sasha Pavlovich and welcome to my blog about coffee! As an experienced barista, I have a deep passion for coffee. I love to share my knowledge and enthusiasm with everyone, and I never get tired of talking about it. Whether you're a novice or a connoisseur, I'm sure you'll find something on my site that will make you appreciate the wonderful world of coffee even more.

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